Specifying configuration values

Via a configuration file

shark uses a configuration file as its primary source of configuration. Configuration files are divided in sections, each containing a number of configuration items. Lines starting with a # are considered comments, and can appear anywhere in the file. Blank lines are ignored.

Sections start with a line like [abc], where abc is the name of the section. After that zero or more configuration items can appear, each in the form of name = value. Spaces before or after the = sign are optional, but encouraged for readability.

For example, this is a small sample configuration file:

# Sample configuration file
# General execution parameters
output_format = hdf5
output_snapshots = 199-55

# Cosmology parameters
omega_m = 0.3121

For a more worked example, see the sample configuration file distributed with shark.

shark allows more than one configuration file to be used at the same time. If options appear in more than one configuration file, the last configuration file specified in the command line takes precedence.

Via the command line

Additionally, shark allows users to pass configuration values via command line options. Configuration values are given through the command line using the -o option, like this:

$> shark -o cosmology.omega_m=0.4 ...

Note how configuration item name has the form <group>.<name>. More than one -o option can be given to pass down more than one configuration value. For further information on how to run shark see Running.

Configuration values given on the command line take precedence over values specified on any configuration file. In the example above, and if using the sample configuration shown in Via a configuration file, shark will effectively run with a value of 0.4 for cosmology.omega_m.